Saturday, April 10, 2010

Easter and general update

We had a nice Easter this year. We were able to watch some of conference and then we went to my Sister in Law's house for a very yummy Easter dinner. While we were there Kaylie got to go on an Easter Egg Hunt. She really liked that. She thought she was so cool getting candy inside eggs! Daddy helped her find them. After that I was lucky enough to have my cousins from UT meet up at my house for an Easter Dinner. They got here earlier than expected so thankfully my Aunt and my mom helped me get things ready! It turned out lovely and was so nice to see my family again. It was back to work as usual this week. I wasn't quite sure how I felt about that. It was hard because last week it was so nice to just spend time with Kaylie on my own timeline and schedule. I have had extra support in my classroom to help me with the couple of really challenging students I have have. That has been such a blessing. I have been very thankful to those who have been able to help out. The pregnancy is progressing well. The baby keeps growing and kicking a lot. Its a fun feeling to have again. Kaylie is working on potty training with quite a bit of success. I am very proud of her. Erick has his play this week (Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat) so we are getting super excited to see him perform. They have practiced really hard and from what I have seen it is going to be wonderful. That's about all that is new in our household right now.