Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Family Pictures

Erick and I decided that now that Kaylie is 18 mos old it was way past due to get new family pictures. Kaylie was a little doll about gettting her picture taken and I will post some of our cutest. Don't worry I got copyright released pictures so I can legally post these!

Family Night

Monday we had family night. It is one of the funnest ones we have had. Kaylie is getting old enough that it really feels like we can teach her little lessons and do activities with her. She enjoyed the game Kerplunk we "played" with her. (actually we set it up and let her pull the pieces) She was so cute I couldn't resist taking some pictures of her.


Kaylie had her first day of nursery on Sunday. I was so excited because I could finally go back to Sunday School and Relief Society which I have felt like I haven't been to in weeks. So I get settled into Sunday School listening to a very good lesson and then comes the peeking in nursery leader with my poor little red-faced angel baby. She was scared (I would be too there are 17 kids all older than her in there). So mommy and Kaylie went back to the nursery together to get used to the nursery some more. Kaylie refused to let me leave her if she noticed I was gone so I think I'll spend a few more weeks in the nursery. Relief Society you're not just all a dream....someday you will be a reality again. I must say though my little miss looked very cute for her first day of nursery. She helped me unload the dishwasher while still in her dress here are some pictures:

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Kaylie's new bracelet

You can see the bracelet on her wrist. She doesn't leave home without it!

Kaylie got some new bracelets. I didn't think she would like them. I just bought them because my cousin Amanda made them and I loved them (the website is So does Kaylie! She wears them everywhere! She refuses to take them off and gets mad when she has to go to bed without them. She puts her wrist out everytime after she has a bath so that I can put it right back on her. It is really cute. I love it! She is such a cutie.

Yesterday Kaylie took her shampoo and put it in her hair while it was dry so she came out with a cute little look on her face and needless to say she got her bath which is what she wanted.

A wedding and a funeral..Yeah it was a busy week

This past week I had quite an eventful time of it. First was my sister-in-laws beautiful wedding. She was a gorgeous bride! Everything went quite well with the exception of a little glitch when Kaylie freaked out five minutes before the ceremony was about to begin. She did manage to walk down the isle but I pretty much took her out after that. I felt bad about that but she's only 18 mos old what do we really expect? I realized later she was really nervous about all the people. It taught me a lesson about understanding her. The party was great afterwards. The food was super yummy and my favoirte part had to be the strawberry bar where you could either get pre-dipped yummy strawberries or make you own dipped ones. You can guess who enjoyed that (I'll give you a hint Kaylie was already asleep) It was amazing! It was also great to see family we haven't seen in a while. I can't quite figure out how to post the pictures from the web so when I do I'll put some more up. Kaylie was a beautiful flower girl.

So here comes the funeral part. The same day as the beautiful wedding I found out my grandpa died. This kind of put a damper the day for me. So we had fun at the wedding, spent the next day going to family stuff and packing and then left for Utah at about 4:00 Sunday Morning. We were there for the viewing and the funeral on Monday. I sure loved both of them. I know that sounds morbid but I thought it was just like my Grandpa Jenson would have liked it. It was fun and people were talking and just enjoying each other's company. I loved seeing those I hadn't seen in a long while. It was wonderful because my sister was able to come from North Carolina and then my brother surprised everyone and came from Washington. He was only able to stay for a minimal amount of time but it was good to see him again. Its been a few years.
We were able to stay a couple of days and we went to temple square. Kaylie loved the reflection pond and did not want to leave. As soon as I get pictures from my sister I will post them. Overall we really enjoyed our trip to UT and Kaylie was an excellent traveler.