Thursday, December 8, 2011

Kaylie and Sophie Ism's

So over the last year or so I have started keeping a list of some of the funny things the girls say and do as a way to remind myself of how precious these moments are. I thought I'd share them with you and you could have a laugh too.

• Kaylie did the cutest thing yesterday. I got her a corndog for dinner and just gave it to her. She looked and it and told me open open. I took a bite and she proceeded to take the corndog peel off the breading and it it.
• We were watching Alvin and the Chipmunks and it was at the point where Dave's song was rejected and Kaylie said don't worry we'll help you sing songs.
• We were at Cuca's for dinner and the little girl at the table next to us was having a birthday. Kaylie saw her cake looked at us and said you want some? We got her a doughnut at the shop afterwards.
• Kaylie was saying a blessing on the food and must have really enjoyed our activity today because as she was praying she thanked Heavenly Father for stickers, Mickey, Donald, goofy, etc.
• Kaylie got hurt in nursery today and kept asking for "My Lindsey"
• Kaylie was tired of being in her pajamas (She wore them all day b/c of conference) She went to her room got a new matching pair, put on some underwear and then proceeded to dress herself. When she couldn't get the pants on independently she went down to Erick and had him help.
• We are lying in bed and Kaylie comes into the bathroom holding what was a poopy diaper saying "Mom I pooped" I went to check an d she had put the poop in the toilet like I do.
• Kaylie always says "oh so cute" towards her baby sister.
• Kaylie was looking in the mirror yesterday and went I'm gorgeous!
• Kaylie was about to go to the bathroom and saw a little bit of poop on the bottom. She exclaimed look mom its chocolate on the toilet.
• We were getting ready for Church and planning on going to a super bowl party at our friends house afterwards. She doesn't celebrate birthdays (That is all we talk about lately) so we told her that we weren’t going to talk about birthdays for the day. She thought we were saying she wasn't going to have a birthday party and burst into tears.
• Kaylie wants to go swimming. She was talking to Erick and I about it and she said (Speaking of swimsuits) Kaylie wears this one, Charly wears this one, Sophie wears this one, Mommy wears hers and daddy goes nudie bootie.
• Kaylie has a favorite song right now that is Country Song Backwards. In the song is spells the word C-R-A-P and it was so funny because Kaylie said in her prayers the other night thank thee that I can spell the word CRAP. Fortunately she doesn't really know what it means!
• Kaylie got her face painted with a butterfly today. It started to come off so we told her to wash it off. The little miss went into the bathroom to wash it off and apologized to the butterfly for having to wash it off.
• We dropped some cookies off to the neighbor and Kaylie announced to him. I have guns. (She was talking about the squirt guns we had filled for FHE.)
• Kaylie just told me my job is to clean my bedroom and I can do it myself. I don't need help. (Wonder who she's been hearing that from.=)).
• Kaylie told Erick and I yesterday after we got back from a night away that we could leave Sophie with Grandma and the 3 of us would go next time.
• Kaylie saw me putting Sophie's dress on without a shirt underneath (She was going to have a sweater over it) and said no mommy you have to put a shirt underneath it. PROUD MOMMY MOMENT!!!
• After singing in Stake Conference Kaylie was just beside herself that she couldn't see me. She told me next time I couldn't sing but could sit down with her and watch daddy sing.
• Kaylie told me that before she lived on earth she lived on the moon. She said her friends could come visit her. There was a bit more of the conversation but I forgot the details. I think it had something to do with her family living there too. What a cutie!
• Kaylie just said she is scared of Lord of the Rings because it is too mountainy.
• Kaylie was waiting with us after church. We were sitting next to Jade Vernon. Sophie started to walk away. Kaylie went to get her and turns to Jade and says "can you watch my mom for me?"

• Sophie's favorite thing to do is climb up the stairs and play with her house at the top. She will smile and laugh for as long as we will let her.
• Sophie loves cheerios. When she finishes her breakfast she will start throwing them on the floor.
• Sophie blows kisses now. (She likes to blow them at Erick best)
• Sophie loves to climb on the couch and get as high as she can.
• When Sophie wants to eat something but doesn't want me to feed it to her she will start to cover her face with her hands and get mad and refuse it until I let her feed herself.
• We were at church and it was time for the prayer. I told Sophie to fold her arms and she obediently folded her arms.
• Sophie will give you a "high five" when you hold your hand up to her.
• Sophie has been so cute learning to walk. She is at the point where she takes 4-5 steps independently and then gets scared falls down and claps for herself.
• Sophie loves chicken strips.
• I came into the kitchen after breakfast to a ton of Trix on the floor and Sophie with a cute look on her face.
• Sophie loves to hop into the bathtub with no water and will just play and play in there if I let her.
• Sophie was taking her bath this morning and got mad when I said she couldn't unplug the water anymore. She tried to put her head down like an ostrich and then realizes it is wet, gives me a look and starts to cry.
• Sophie loves eggs. She can eat a whole one.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Our trip-Part 1

It'll probably take a few posts to really our trip recorded so I will go ahead and take a bit of extra time to do them.
We left Wednesday and took our flight. It was on time (Thankfully!) and we had no real troubles other than the fact that we were traveling with two young children and had the usual troubles (i.e. temper tantrums, poopy diapers, etc.) For the most part it was tolerable. Driving is easier though!
Thursday bright and (semi) early we packed up Uncle Dan and Auntie Ana's amazing mini van (Yes it solidified that I want to be a mini van mom) and headed to Maryland. Many a stop and 5 states later (Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virgina and Maryland) We finally arrived at our hotel at about midnight. Needless to say we skipped the wedding breakfast the next morning.
Friday we had a blast going into WA DC. It was awesome! I haven't been there since I was 12 and it brought back some great memories. We had our first experience with the DC Metro and Amtrack. We saw Union Station (HUGE!!!) the Capitol Building, and the Smithsonian, unfortunately we only had time to visit two museums. (The Museum of Flight and The Museum of Natural History) They were both amazing and fun. We had to get back semi early for a shower for the bride and groom so we took off back to Union Station. We saw our train was leaving in minutes so we headed straight for the train and asked the conductor if the train was going to Baltimore. He said it was. Did you know there are two trains that go to Maryland? Yeah. Neither did we. Next think you know we got on the wrong train! Oh goodness! Our train was going to take us to the Ghetto! Thankfully there was a stop near our hotel (not in the ghetto) and we were able to get off. Poor Uncle Dan and Auntie Ana had to rescue us! Oh I forgot to mention our car was at the other station so they had to go pick that up and then come rescue us. They were totally awesome about it even though we made them 2 hours late for the party. Needless to say we learned our lesson on that one. We had a great time at the party though. Here are some pictures of the first 3 days of our vacation:
Kaylie on the carousel at the Mall
Kaylie at the Museum of Flight
Capitol Building
Us at Union Station (Sophie is on my back)
Waiting in the train station to be rescued

Monday, August 15, 2011

Sophie's birthday

Yeah. It was a fun birthday for Sophie.

Family update

Its been awhile since I have updated our blog. We have had a wonderful summer! It started with a quick trip to UT to visit family and friends. We brought my good friend Chaulle back to visit for a week so we had fun with that. However on the way home my car broke down. Not just a little break down but a major had to replace the entire engine. Thankfully it is now fixed and running well again. We had an enjoyable visit after that initial problem. Unfortunately I don't have pictures right now because I misplaced my camera.

More highlights of the summer include:

A family party on 4th of July
Park days
A Birthday Celebration at La Habra Children's Museum and John's Incredible Pizza
A fun family birthday party
A trip to Great park of Irvine

Monday, May 16, 2011

It's May. I'd say its about time to update our blog

I have been a blog slacker lately. No real reason I think I kind of just keep hoping it will magically update itself. Probably the easiest way to update will just be to do a general update on each month. I hate to admit I might have to go back to pictures and journal entries to remember what has happened exactly. I just know it has been a few very good and enjoyable months. Here goes:

February: We renewed our passes to Disneyland and had a few trips there. We love it!

Hello all!
March: Kaylie celebrated her 3rd birthday and Erick his 33rd. We had an ice cream party for Kaylie and she (as you can guess loved it!) She continues to grow and get so smart!

April: We enjoyed general conference, stake conference, and my birthday and Easter. We also enjoyed playing in the snow with our cousins. We did Disneyland again (We go through withdrawals if we don't go often enough) We also made earth day cupcakes. That was pretty fun. It was pretty awesome not having to plan anything for Easter as my sister took care of it all! Thanks Amanda.

Finally May has been a good month so far. Kaylie has started ballet. It is one of the cutest things ever! She just loves it! Its fun watching her and how cute she is. I got my wisdom teeth out and have been very blessed to have a speedy recovery with minimal pain and swelling. I know that is the Lord's hand in my life. All in All I am so grateful for in laws who have taken care of me and a wonderful husband. And for my mom and sister who both were willing to bring me dinner. Thanks guys. =)
One final thing is Kaylie has a new favorite show Jake and the Neverland Pirates. Its cute how much she loves it. I love that kid.
Sophie isn't much into T.V. But thinks she is a big girl and refuses to eat baby food. She is eating what we eat. Its pretty cute. Gotta love my girls!
I think I've reached my limit on pictures so I will post ballet ones next time. Lindsey

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Smiling my way through a head cold...Make that a family with head colds!

We have all been sick the past two weeks. Kaylie was first...Pretty light at first now seems to still have the cough two weeks later and run a fever in the evenings. Poor kiddo. She is starting to feel better. Sophie was next...Can't be outdone by the older sister =) She had a super stuffy nose and a light fever and a cough. Not very much fun. Erick decided to not be left out of the mix and joined in with a cough and all around aches. I held out the longest (residual effects of constantly being surrounded by germs when I was working full time) And was hit super hard. Major headache, runny nose and unfortunately my nickname of Rudolph is back! Thankfully mine seems to be kind of short. Is it just my family or does anyone else feel like they have been hit hard this cold season? Uggh! I'm just not used to getting sick so much.
The one thing I will say is being sick has made me appreciate my health so much more. I never realized how much I take it for granted until it is gone for a time and I have to still work through daily life with it. I am so thankful for it.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tricycle fun

Kaylie got a new trike for Christmas. Unfortunately we are having an unusually cold winter here in Southern California so she hasn't gotten too many chances to ride it outside. (She takes it around our living room like a pro) Last weekend we finally took her to the park by our house. We got some pretty cute attempts of her trying to ride it.
Here is an update for the rest of us. Sophie is growing and learning a lot everyday. I can't help but think how fast she is growing! She is sitting up with assistance, rolling over and loves her toes! She loves her baby oatmeal and I can't wait until I get to feed her baby food.
Erick has been super busy at work. He still enjoys it quite a bit.
I have been trying to get stuff done. I feel like little by little I am improving and getting better at my daily chores. It will come. It will! It has to eventually.
All in all we are doing well.

Monday, January 3, 2011

A New Year!!!

Well, it is the new year. 2010 is gone. It was a good year. We had fun and learned a lot. I had a new baby, stopped working (out of the house) full time and have been enjoying extra time with Kaylie and Sophie. I have high hopes for 2011 but am just finding it hard to get into gear! (Please tell me I'm not the only one feeling this way!) So I have devised a plan to help me....You wanna hear it? It is just do it!!!! Get my butt in gear and do it! It will help more than anything if I just do one thing at a time so that is what I am going to do. I started by updating the blog now I will go eat breakfast....I really hate breakfast. Oh well just do it I guess. Hope you all have a happy new year and can accomplish a lot.