Thursday, January 27, 2011

Smiling my way through a head cold...Make that a family with head colds!

We have all been sick the past two weeks. Kaylie was first...Pretty light at first now seems to still have the cough two weeks later and run a fever in the evenings. Poor kiddo. She is starting to feel better. Sophie was next...Can't be outdone by the older sister =) She had a super stuffy nose and a light fever and a cough. Not very much fun. Erick decided to not be left out of the mix and joined in with a cough and all around aches. I held out the longest (residual effects of constantly being surrounded by germs when I was working full time) And was hit super hard. Major headache, runny nose and unfortunately my nickname of Rudolph is back! Thankfully mine seems to be kind of short. Is it just my family or does anyone else feel like they have been hit hard this cold season? Uggh! I'm just not used to getting sick so much.
The one thing I will say is being sick has made me appreciate my health so much more. I never realized how much I take it for granted until it is gone for a time and I have to still work through daily life with it. I am so thankful for it.

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