Sunday, January 24, 2010

Kaylie's latest escapades

Kaylie has been on the move lately and tending to get into situations that are funny but not exactly good. Lets see this past week she has:

Realized she loves to knock over block towers

Found out that the dog's cage is just the right size for a little girl

Realized that you get a funny mustache when you color on yourself with a permanent marker.

Yeah my eyes are having to be a lot more careful and I am having to watch her more closely. The worst day will be when she learns to open the doors.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Our house is sick!

Yeah so we have some sort of fever/cold going around our house. I'm not sure where it came from or how long it will last but poor Erick and Kaylie both have it. I've not got the fever or cold but I've got nausea from this pregnancy pretty bad. I am thankful though I get an ultrasound on Friday! I am super excited. I think its still too early to see if the baby is a boy or a girl but it will sure be nice to have a more tentative due date! Its a little lame having to tell people I think I'm due some time in July. I am glad to have the chance to have another baby.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Exciting news in the Cortes Family!!

Just an update to let you know I am expecting our second child to be due in July! We are super excited as you can probably assume. I have been feeling alright however, I have had more sickness with this baby than I did with Kaylie.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


We had a wonderful Christmas here at the Cortes House. Kaylie was at just the right age to not quite understand Christmas and Santa but love the presents and fun stuff the little spoiled miss got! She just loves her kitchen set which we spent all month finding and choosing. She also loves her drum, purse, and every other thing she got. Did I mention she was a bit spoiled by all this Christmas? Erick and I enjoyed watching the sheer joy on her face as she saw more and more of her toys and it brought back memories for me of being a child and having santa come. It truly is so much more fun to see things through the eyes of a child.
I think for me though the best part was Christmas Eve. We had our parents over and surprised them with a super yummy dinner of steak and shrimp which was enjoyed by all. We then sang tons of Christmas Carols and opened a few presents. The next day we went to my in laws house for a nice enjoyable dinner with family. Overall it was a wonderful Christmas with plenty of good memories.