Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

I want to write a tribute to the great woman in my life I am able to call mom. Not everyone is as lucky as I am. I have had a mom who has always supported me, encouraged me and been my best friend and shopping buddy for years. I know I gave her trouble as a teenager but she has always loved me regardless of what I have done or how I have acted. I especially appreciate the sacrifices she made when we were younger to stay at home with us when I know working outside the home probably would have been easier and we would have had more money. I know that because you stayed home with us you have taught me the importance of staying home and caring for my children. I truly appreciate your sacrifice and know that I am who I am because I had a mother who was so willing to be there for me. Thanks Mom. You are the best and I hope you realize it!

I had a great Mother's Day. I woke up thinking ummm Lindsey you're 7 mos pregnant why did you ever consider having so many people over to your house for dinner? Fortunately I have an awesome husband who BBQ'd and everyone brought side dishes so really my work wasn't too much. It also helped that I had a wonderful Mother in Law who helped me to clean my house yesterday! I really enjoyed myself. We played my favorite game Rummikub and Kaylie joined in and it was so adorable. It made me happy because hopefully she will be a game player like her mom when she gets older.

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