Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Simple Woman

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Outside my window...It is just starting to get dark. It is a beautiful dark blue tonight.

I am thinking...About painting the laundry room on Tuesday. I prepped it yesterday and chose colors with Erick's help. It is going to be very pretty which makes me happy because I do so much laundry!

I am thankful...For a husband who supports me in everything. (Even my hair brained ideas like painting the living room.)

In the kitchen...There are a few dishes left from the delicious spaghetti I made for dinner. Kaylie's lunch is packed and we are ready to start tomorrow.

I am wearing...Jammies

I am creating...A new laundry room!

I am going...To have a busy week. Sophie gets to do a meet the teacher and a packet pick up on Thursday and Friday.

I am wondering...How long the assessment process with take to get Sophie some speech. I have to call first thing tomorrow about the audiologist for a hearing test and then I have to wait to hear back on the paperwork to have Sophie assessed. I'm hoping that it will move speedily along so that we can get the ball rolling on it.

I am reading...From Prelude to Glory Volume 2. Its taken me a bit longer than the first.

I am hoping...I can keep my momentum on cleaning the house, and my new household notebook I am making.

I am looking forward to...A busy but good week. I really enjoy having so much to do!

I am learning....To paint laundry rooms.

Around the house...It isn't too messy. The girls have had a lot of fun this weekend and instead of making them clean up every single mess I just focused on the big ones (i.e. the tinker toys and the puzzles) the rest will still be there tomorrow and shouldn't be too hard. I can probably finish it before all of my other plans.

I am pondering...On how to be more organized.

A favorite quote for today...Nothing comes to mind.

One of my favorite things...Oreo Cookies

A few plans for the rest of the week: Monthly Social for MOMS Club, Painting the laundry room, Working on my household notebook and just enjoying my family.

A peek into my day...This is one of my favorite pictures. I still remember a lot of my cousins as babies....Too bad they are all in their early to late twenties now.

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